Engine Block Design And Assembly in Solidworks
Engine Block Design And Assembly in Solidworks
1. To Design parts of Engine Block
2. Assemble Them
3. Create Animation
Parts of Engine Block-
1. Connecting Rod :
On the Front plane WE have drawn The two circle below and then extrude them upto 20mm
Then Again in the front plane - sketch we joined the two circle by spline and extrude them as middle upto 12 mm
Then on the right plane we drawn a straight slot and cut extrude this through all by offseting 6mm
Then we mirror this on the other side
Now our connecting rod is ready.
2. Crank_shaft :
First Sketch : on Right plane
Boss Extrude 25mm
Then sketch on previous plane and boss extrude upto 8mm
Again sketch below structure and boss extrude upto 15mm
Boss extrude -4 :
Now we have to mirror the below surface so first select the round surface and sketch
First select the upper surface and convert the sketch entity and rotate it by 90 degree with x axis.
Then extrude this
Boss-Extrude-7 :
Now we will mirror the total portion
Now our crank_shaft is ready.
3. Lower Block :
To draw this first we have seen a symmetry between left and right , we will first draw one portion , mirror this and boss extrude one portion upto the other.
Boss-extrude-1 :
Boss extrude the sketch on front plane in two direction one at 20mm and other at 5mm.
Boss-Extrude 2 :
Boss extrude the sketch upto 5mm
We have create a plane 140.50mm distance from front plane
Lets mirror the structure with respect to plane-1
Now boss extrude the structure upto the next surface
Now our Lower Block is ready.
4. Upper_Block :
Let us sketch 2D drawing on Top plane
Box extrude this upto 110mm
Lets draw the stips at the side and boss extrude this upto 3mm
Lets copy this by linear pattern with 7mm each distance and 15 part
Now upper_Block is ready
5. Piston_pin :
First Drawing the surface on front plane box extrude this as middle face and thin feature 2.5mm and extrude upto 49mm.
Then chamfer one surface 0.5mm with 45 degree
Now piston pin is ready
6. Piston :
First draw the sketch on front plane and then revolve this with respect to y axis
We have drawn this again on front plane
Now cut extrude this two element one by one
Now we have to draw a piston pin holder in between the two holes
Then boss extrude this upto surface
Then mirror this with respect to front plane
Now our piston is ready
Material selection :
Piston :
Piston_pin :
Upper_Block :
Lower_Block :
Crank_shaft :
Connecting Rod :
Now Assemble :
First place the lower and upper block like this
Then two parallel surfaces along y and z direction collinear
Then To make the upper block at the middle select advanced mate - width
Now piston and piston pin
Select below surfaces and cocentric
To made the piston pin middle of the pin holder use advanced mate - width
Now same for connecting rod and piston-piston pin assmebly
Now we have to assemble the crank-shaft with upper and lower boxes
Now we have to connect the piston-pin-connecting rod assembly with crank_shaft
Now copy with mates piston-pin-connecting rod to other positions of crank_shaft
Now assembly is complete
Animation :
Click on Motion study on lower left position. Then from motion study properties we can choose number of frames
We have to choose a motor to rotate the model with respect to the element
Then click on play and then calculate
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