2D Meshing for plastic using Casting Method
2D Meshing of plastic using casting
1. Take the plastic cad model.
2. Capture the mid surface .
3. After that mesh that mid surface and assign quality criteria .
4. Then assign thickness to that mid surface .
1. Geometry Load
2. Cons resolution
3. Check surface connectivity / Topo
4. Geometry check
5. Mid Surface generate
6. Giving quality criteria and checking the geometry as per quality
7. Meshing
8. Assign thickness to Mid Surface
1. Geometry Load :
First we are Loading the geometry in Ansa
2. Cons resolution :
We have to increase the resolution of cons so that the curves, fillets and other portion of the geometry can be shown properly, so go to classic mesh - perimeter - length - 1 mm
3. Check surface connectivity / Topo :
To check surface connectivity go to Topo module - Faces - Topo
4. Geometry check :
so go to check manager - geometry check and Fix all geometrical errors.
There is an unchecked surface we can not Fix so we will delete and create it manually.
After creating the surface from Topo module- Faces- New
5. Mid Surface Generate :
We are generating the mid surface as length of the geometry is very large as compared to thickness so we can neglect the thickness and we are willing to generate 2d mesh as it can produce less number of elements than 3d leading to less number of errors and quality faliure so that require less computational power .
We can generate mid Surface by mannual method or casting but here we will use casting method.
We can generate mid surface by Topo -Faces - mid surface -casting
In casting take element length-5mm and minimum thickness- 2.5mm , In options take property as auto as it will create separate PID for mid surface.
Now we have to remove errors in casting , to do that first go to Topo deck - faces - Middle - check middle surface
Here we have different type of mid surface errors - Middle, Bounds, Thickness, Missing middle , Failed middle - we will select them all by CTRL+A then select and Fix.
After that we will edit the middle surface as per required by middle mesh deck
In Middle mesh deck our required tools are -
1.Elements- by selecting elements we can drag any point and eliminate perims
2. In modify- Trim we can trim any surface after middle surface generation.
3. IN modify- project we can project any cons on surface
4. In topology - paste option we can paste two cons resulting in joining unjoined surfaces.
5.In shell mesh - improve option we can reshape, reconstruct , smooth and Fix quality of mesh.
6. In create - mid mesh we can create mid surface from side/ Top.
Again our one of best tool to edit surface is Align manager.
We can get it from Topo deck- mid surface - align manager
We can align any surface, perimeter with another and also can add them with others and can also create new middle surface
We can create a shortcut for align manager by keeping the curser on the mid surface option and ctrl + middle click, select any preffered key and ok.
After editing the mid surface by align manager and middle mesh deck we will implement quality criteria.
6. Giving quality criteria and checking the geometry as per quality:
After shell mesh - improve - reconstruct , reshape, smooth and Fix quality we can eliminate all off elements.
Now we can create 3D version by quality criteria- presentation parameters - draw shell as solid
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