CFD Meshing for Tesla Cyber Truck

 CFD Meshing for Tesla Cyber Truck


  • To Identifying & cleanup all the topological errors in the given Tesla Cyber Truck Car model.
  • To create a surface mesh.
  • To Create a wind tunnel around Tesla Cyber Truck Car .
  • To create a volumetric mesh to perform an external flow CFD analysis simulation. 


1.TOPO:Set of tools for Geometry clean-up and for setting up of PIDs.

2.MESH:Tools to generate Surface Mesh or 2D Mesh.

3.VOLUME MESH - To generate solid or 3D Mesh.


1. We first load the geometry and we will work first on TOPO mode.

Then we will hit Faces - Topo so that the position at the unjoined faces where the red cons are will be solved( we have to remember this command will only solve the red cons where the faces are already joined )

We can see most of the red cons are gone.Then we are gonna solve other red cons and fill the respective holes.

WE are going to solve all the small surfaecs as well so during meshing we dont get any skew error.

Here is a small surface 

After removing the small surface create a plane to remove the red cons .To remove the small surface we will introduce required cut, enrich the cons by cons2curve so that after deleting the surface we can have the trace of the surface to recreate it.As its not possible to show all the reqired steps to remove the small surface we are showing only the result.


Now we will check geometry before that we will divide the geometry into two as it is symmetric and then checking all the errors we will copy the symmetry element.To do that we will use plane cut.



Now we will delete the symmetric part

now we will check the geometry

 We will remove penetration errors one by one


 we will remove required surfaces then recreate it.

 Second penetration error:

 We can clearly see that two surfaces mix together resulting penetration error and to proper visulize we will switch on PID mode.

 We have to delete the brown surfaces as it is car wheel surface mixing on the inner shaft . Then after deleting all the brown surfaces inner wheel surface will also be deleted so recreate it by planer surafce option.

Then doing the same for the other wheel.

 Now all errors have been solved so we will copy the symmetry portion .


 After that we will recheck geometry 

 We got penetration error

 We will highlight outer surfaces by cons2curve and delete all the geometry and then recreate it.

 Now all the errors have been removed and we will go for mesh before that we will select respective PIDs.







 2. Before meshing we are switching on the quality criterias so that we can bound our mesh within certain lengths and have some preferred skewness.

We gonna take skewness as 0.5 as it is a standard skewness 

Windows and tyres: min length- 1mm and maximum length - 3mm

Body : min length - 3mm and max length - 5 mm 


 We are taking min length as 0.2 as it is less than 1 and 6 as max length as it is greater than 5 so that this criteria is applicable for all PIDs.

 After meshing 

Windows and Tyres:

We will reshape and then reconstruct by right click on off element one by one.



 So no off elements then we will freeze it


We will reshape and then reconstruct by right click on off element one by one.


Half Frozen Body :

Total Meshed Body:

Now we are going to create the wind tunnel so that we can properly show the fluid flow over the car model.

Size of the wind tunnel is as shown in the figure.

 Now we will take the bottom surface 1000 mm lower than car body so that it can not intersect the car body. To create surafce we will create points relative to the car and create respective points and draw lines according to the given distances above.

Here x=6000 mm , take height of car = 2600mm , weidth =2600 ( we have taken appox values)


 Bottom_surface:(We have taken mesh length as 500 mm)

 Top_surface:(we have taken mesh length as 650mm)



To generate mesh in side_faces select peremeter - spacing -mannual and then select start and end of mesh length as 500 and 650 . Then do the meshing.


 Now we have surface meshed all the PIDs , now we are going to volume mesh.

3.To do volume mesh click on the left corner drop down menu click on v-mesh. Then in the Volumes -Define click on whole-db on poop up , It will detect all the volume , then in the volume section - unmeshed right click and click on mesh. As the mesh time will require very long so volume mesh is not shown , only which volume should be meshed is selected.


  • The imported CAD model of Tesla cyber truck is Topologically Cleaned & Corrected all the feasible surface errors to perform external aerodynamic analysis.
  • Surface mesh is generated with the required element size.
  • Reconstructed the mesh as per the mesh quality required at Corners & at Intersection of edges.
  • Worked with the errors occured in the Mesh.
  • Created a wind tunnel For external aerodynamic analysis.




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